Monday, 5 August 2013

Day 4 - Camper Van Pickup - 05/08/13

First things first, we had to call the camper hire company to arrange a time for pickup. Despite phoning first thing, this ended up being at 3pm leaving us a few hours to get some more last minute shopping done. Back at the mall, we sampled the infamous Canadian food 'Poutine' which is basically fries covered in BBQ pork sauce and cheese curds. We also shared a hot dog covered in bacon bits!
We got a taxi to the camper pickup location where after a lot of nerve wracking form-filling and document-checking (hurray, we remembered all our documents!) we were introduced to our home for the next month - a comparatively small, but well proportioned camper van.
Now came the scary part - driving. Thankfully the first journey was just to the local supermarket, and apart from almost ending the lives of a couple of pedestrians on a crossing (meh) it was fairly uneventful. Now we had to stock up on essentials.
What we thought would be a quick shop turned into a stressful couple of hours getting lost, struggling to find what we needed, and all the while watching the sun gradually work its way towards the horizon. We still had an 80 mile drive to the first campsite.
Food shopping was difficult, especially considering the limited space we had to fill. It didn't help that everything came in huge sizes. Most of the milk came in massive tanks, and loaves of bread were over two feet long!
After our first fuel-up we joined the Trans-Canada highway and headed west towards the Rockies. We were about halfway before the sun had set, and the final leg was in total darkness. Thankfully we survived the journey and arrived at the campsite. Since the sun had long gone, we'd have to wait until morning to see our surroundings!

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